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House of Prayer is a Non-Denominational Church located in Chillicothe, MO. Our mission is to help people to seek, find, and follow Jesus Christ, and to help them grow in faith in order to reach their God-given potential. We do this through Worship, Fellowship, and Discipleship in order to glorify God and advance His Kingdom.


At House of Prayer our vision is to reach our community with the Gospel by building a community that strives to help people Seek, Find, and Follow Jesus Christ, and to help them reach their God-given potential through Worship of God, Fellowship with other believers, and Discipleship that is centered on the Bible.


House of Prayer is dedicated to showing the compassion of Jesus Christ to our surrounding community through Mission Trips, monthly Outreach, and our Food and Thrift Ministries.


House of Prayer is dedicated to worshiping Jesus Christ and building community through the power of the Gospel. We worship through singing, studying God's word together, and fellowshipping together at meals, Bible studies, and service of the community.

Silhouette of Cross Against Sky


Helping people to Seek, Find, and Follow Jesus, and to grow in Faith in order to reach their God-given Potential

Doctrinal Statement

Article 1: God

House of Prayer affirms that there is one eternal, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent Triune God who created the universe and everything in it in order to glorify Him. House of Prayer affirms the supernatural doctrine of the Trinity which describes three distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are one in nature, essence, and being. God is Holy and True, therefore He is perfect and sin cannot enter His presence. God is Just, therefore His choices and ways are perfect. God is Gracious, therefore He is willing to forgive our sins. God is Love, therefore He sent His Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for our sins in order to give humans the ability to be redeemed and enter His presence for eternity.

Article 2: Salvation

House of Prayer is devoted to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and promoting its advancement locally, regionally, and Worldwide. House of Prayer affirms the divinity of Jesus Christ who is both Fully God and Fully Man. Jesus existed with God before time began, and also is God. God created mankind to be with Him in the beginning, but mankind sinned and fell from God’s presence. God gave Moses the Law to guide people to Himself, and to show them their inability to overcome sin without His Grace. Sin is any rebellion, indifference, or unbelief in God. Then God sent His one and only Son Jesus Christ who did miracles, healed, and taught the Word of God, followed by twelve Disciples. Jesus was unfairly tried in court, accused of false crimes, and was nailed to a cross until he died. Jesus was buried, and after three days, He rose again, taking away the power of death and sin. After appearing to His Disciples and many other people, He ascended to Heaven where He is seated at the Right Hand of the Throne of God until He returns to judge the World and take His followers to Heaven. Individuals’ sins, whether great or small, separate them from God because of His Holiness, but because of Jesus’ sacrifice, individuals can choose to personally follow Jesus, turn from their sins, and receive the gift of Salvation that is now freely offered to everyone. If anyone chooses not to follow Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him, they must face the consequences of their sin which is eternal judgement and separation from the Holy God from whom all goodness is manifested.

Article 3: The Holy Bible

House of Prayer affirms the inerrancy of the sixty-six Scriptures that make up the Holy Bible which were divinely inspired and are the Revealed Word of God. House of Prayer is devoted to the teaching and exemplification of the laws and truths outlined within the Holy Bible: The Holy Bible outlines marriage as a divine establishment between a biological male and a biological female ceremonially united under God, representing the devotion and sacrificial love of Jesus Christ toward His Church. The Holy Bible outlines the creation of the world as a seven day event in which God created the heavens and the earth, and everything in them, and then He rested on the seventh day. He created mankind in His image, both male and female, and He gave mankind the authority to rule over all the rest of His creation charging them to “fill the Earth and subdue it.” The Holy Bible also outlines the nature and Law of God which describes what is displeasing and sinful according to God, and what our responses to those things should be; the Holy Bible also describes Jesus’ teachings which elaborate and fulfill the Law of God and outline righteous ways of living and the way to salvation. 

Article 4: The Church

House of Prayer affirms the importance of the Church as the True Bride of Christ. The Church is made up of every follower of Jesus Christ, and branches into millions of local churches worldwide. House of Prayer upholds the importance of the local church which is a community of regularly fellowshipping believers in Jesus Christ, each having their own God-given gifts of the Holy Spirit to worship God, edify fellow church members, uphold spiritual growth, and advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ, “making disciples and baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” House of Prayer is dedicated to exemplifying the compassion that the Early Church was known for; our goal is to serve the members of the church as well as the larger community of Chillicothe through various ministries, such as our Thrift Ministry and our Food Ministry, in order to glorify God and advance the Gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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